In the Moment Planning
We have been working with 'In The Moment Planning' since September 2018. We have found it is a great way to work with the children who are able to lead their own learning by following their own interests. Skilled adults then help to teach them in the moment.
The cycle of observation, assessment, planning, observation will be carried out on a moment-by-moment basis.
We will have focus children each week (approximately 10% of the group).
Activities that occur are recorded when the cycle is complete. These records are on the learning journeys for the focus children and on “planning in the moment” sheets for activities in which a group have become involved.
We believe this is best because ........
“Babies and young children are experiencing and learning in the here and now, not storing up their questions until tomorrow or next week. It is in that moment of curiosity, puzzlement, effort or interest – the ‘teachable moment’ – that the skilful adult makes a difference. By using this cycle on a moment-by-moment basis, the adult will be always alert to individual children (observation), always thinking about what it tells us about the child’s thinking (assessment), and always ready to respond by using appropriate strategies at the right moment to support children’s well-being and learning (planning for the next moment).”
From National Standards document Learning, Playing and Interacting P.22 - 23
The revised EYFS advises us to continue using this document.
An Enabling Environment
We will have a workshop style environment indoors and outside. Nothing will be set out on the tables. The children select what they want to do in each area.
The principal is that resources are accessible to the children and they are varied, open-ended and high quality.
This gives children the opportunity to select resources to support their chosen activity.
The Role of The Adult
​The adults are there to facilitate learning. They do this through observations and interactions.
Our adults know the children very well and have a sound understanding of child development. This ensures that the adults enhance and extend the learning at the appropriate level.
Planning in the moment
We use the observation cycle on a moment by moment basis. The focus children are given extra attention, but all the children are busy and learning all the time.
How you can help
At the end of each week we will select the focus children for the following week. Each child will be a focus child once in each term.
Once the focus children have been selected they will be given a parent consultation sheet to bring home.
All we ask is that you fill in the sheet in as much detail as possible and take some photos (no more than 15) over the weekend of your child/family.
We then ask that you email your photo’s to the preschool so we can print them for your child’s learning journal and return the parent consultation sheet at the start of the next week.
You will be offered an appointment the following week with the child’s key person to discuss their focus week.
If you have any questions please speak to us.