Mark Making
We are a community pre-school, affiliated to the Pre-school Learning Alliance. We are owned and managed by the parents of the children who attend our group. We have Charitable status. Our pre-school has formed an integral part of Frimley Green for the past 35 years. We take children from 2 years if they are eligible for FEET funding or from 2 yrs 6 months for all others.
Our Vision
We will continue to reflect and change our practice to meet the needs of individual children and to improve the learning experience for our children. We will strive to provide a stimulating, challenging and safe environment for children to learn in.
Our Mission
To provide high quality childcare and learning for all the children in our setting.
To ensure all children at Frimley Green Pre-School will be happy, healthy and safe.
To ensure parents are equal partners in their child's learning.
All children will learn, grow and develop to realise their full potential.
We operate an Open Door Policy and welcome you to speak to us about any issues concerning your child. You are welcome to see your child's folder by arrangement with your child's key person.
Safeguarding Statement
Frimley Green Pre-school has a duty of care to safeguard all children involved in Frimley Green Pre-school from harm.
All children have a right to protection, and the needs of disabled children and others who may be particularly vulnerable must be taken into account.
Frimley Green Pre-school will ensure the safety and protection of all children involved in Frimley Green Pre-school through adherence to the Child Protection guidelines adopted.
A child is defined as a person under the age of 18 (The Children Act 1989).